Friday, March 28, 2008

ok lets hav a fruit joke cos ll loves fruits lol XD actually the joke may not be a joke but i am bored so.. i suck... ok... wats the difference between a apple and a orange???

apple has a PROTRUDING ERRECTED STEM (no perverted tots pls), while orange has a INVERTED INSERTED STEM (no perverted tots pls) XDDDD
(imagine if the apple connect wif the orange lol)

lol ok tat was sickly lame but who cares..



psps [haha xy jealous jealous (darnit she dint get poked by the rootbeer...)]

Thursday, March 27, 2008

hmm so ehh i try to cut short my school time... TRY!
ok today i go school wait wait n HOORAY THE WORST PART OF THE DAY! FLAG RAISING! lalalalallala thn say pledge n ehh what else...SING SONG YES SING SONG! thn go back class LITERATURE(think i spell it wrong) WEE IT SUX ok SKIP cos i oso dunno why...maybe im trying to cut short.... CUT! LOL CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT okok i stop.... XD CUT. thn MMMMMEOW...ART! quite papayaish but not too mango...dunno what i said ok so its quite bad cos we nid take video blah blah n OHH IT ENDED N WERE JUST IN TIME FOR CHINESE cos we smug the food in class to eat =P.THE 2nd WORST PART OF THE DAY SHALL BE SKIPPED... WEEE HEALTH CHECK lucky nvr check the PARTS =P so take eye check i like say say say say say the words thn the nurse say OK another eye pls so another eye which is suckier so go sit thr they tok tok tok tok thn jus nod head can le... wonder wat that ah ma talkin. so go MATH thn blah blah blah blah END OF LESSON! LUCKY I NONID STAY BACK DO SUPER TORTURE THINGS. ok school ended ITS SWT (kinda long huh?) and i go CLEMENTI SPORTS STADIUM thn see AARON thn we go in thn got msg but i nvr noe so i go up n AARON GOT TABLET ROAR n can surf net thr summore... wonder why... thn the xy JEOLOUS =P LALAlALLAA thn eat cup noodle thn eat the sticky sweet thn wait wait wait TOILET WOO n i ACCIDENTALLY(purposely) STEP ON OTHER POOOOOPLE UNDERWEAR... dunno if its underwear but i step it... oh yah b4 that met matthias thn i go out wan giv aaron buy drink thn he i put money n press the pepsi.... NO STOCK thn aaron go hit root beer so ehh i got root beer... lol so i shake shake shake shake shake until i up thr thn i say if xy wan but i aint giving cos i wanna play wif it myself =P so open little bit thn alot BOOBLES(bubbles i mean but ehh the 1st 4 letters... DUN THINK NEGATIVE) thn aaron open thn poof alot more boobles(DUN THINK NEGATIVE!) and i drink abit thn ask xy if she wan but she duwan =P so i drink n it sux so i play thn close the top wif my thumb n SHAKE but ehh... ALL POOT ON ME DAMMIT thn floor so dirty n i so sticky and like everyone say EEEEEEEEEEEE so i go trow it away thn take aarons hankachief(how spell ar?)and WIPE WIPE but kinda still not clean so ehh WIPE AGAIN lol thn wait wait wait thn go down play money bars(monkey bars i mean) thn play play play play play play play play thn spoke to mr tang thn something sth sth sth thn ohh bb we go liao so we go off thn aaron come my shop n play the D.O.N( u wont noe whats MUAHAHHAHA) thn play that FREAK GAME WHICH AARON OWNED ME ROAR!(its the same as his psp BOOO ROAR PIG MANGO PAPAYA) so blah blah thn he nid go back n blah blah i finish my HW thn im here? yea thats abt it..BUT I CANT BELIEVE THAT ROOT BEER DAMMIT! lalalallalalala 1st time i post so ehh randomnessly SO MANY RANDOM PIES... orange

LohLiang(shud be able to tell by my super extreme ultra mega typing ROAR) coconut...ROOT BEER! RAWR

Sunday, March 23, 2008

HELLO! Yeah 155th post!

Anyway, who's going to the sports day on thurs?! Tag can? Haha I saw Mrs Chan on fri, so cool! (:

Ahaha, waiting for tests results. It's scaring me! I scared I fail. Zzz...lucky sports day on thurs, if on fri I cannot go cos' got bball match. Erm hopefully nth pops out, so hope to see you all on thurs!

-Pui Jeng

hilo. its reeree on the line =P

hello. 1st time posting here lahs. failed ca1. laugh all u wans lah. XD

dynastywarriors6 rox. u gotta try it. ohoh and ma ying jiu win the taiwan thing rite?

my class ~ boys extinct. again as usual. gurls wear fbt lyk siao? or wats dat called?

uh this is the hundred-and-number-wad-post? i think i drank too much coke..

okays i super uber lame okays? then i go liao.

its JERRY off the line

Saturday, March 22, 2008

No title cos' i can't think of one

hiiii!!! I'm so sad.Fine, i don't sound sad..i can't come for sports meet cos' i got drama!!! But i think i can make it if we go out on friday. can we go ice skating? its sooo fun!! ok. erm... to czh: no worries dude. don't be upset by such ppl. not worth it.By the way, when did u start worrying about ur grammar? XD
Then, lemme think....omg yah. i miss u all so much. i mean secondary school is fun lah but i wanna go back 2 qifa. But i guess the new qifa is very diff. The new uniform looks erm...modern. But i preferred the old uniform. i don't know why but i don't really want everything to change like that. sigh! wat to do? oh yah. tomorrow is easter so happy easter to evryone and im not meaning it the reliogious way. The way things are going, i think we don't mind wat type of holiday it is as long as it is a holiday. ok that's all!! adieu!

emy M.E.!

Friday, March 21, 2008

The true STORY

***THIS IS A TRUE STORY***This happened to me not long ago. It happened in the week just before March Holiday. On that particular day, i got back my Science, Mathematics and Higher Chinese examination results. As you should know, i got A1 for Science and Mathematics, B3 for Higher Chinese. I had a so called 'friend' called Zhang Jing Fei.

He is a humorous guy, who love to crack jokes. He is especially 'hot' for his jokes related to non-senses. However, everything changed on that day. When i got back my result for Math and Science, i was quite satified with myself for the A1s. Jing Fei also got A1 for both subjects.

The only difference between us was that, my *ranking* in class was higher than him in both subjects. I got 2nd and 6th for Science and Mathematics respectively. I was not very sure about Jing Fei's rank but i confirmed that he was lower than me. He remained silent throughout Math and Science class.When it was Higher Chinese lesson time, Mr.Yeo, our 'joker' Higher Chinese teacher announced our Higher Chinese result. I got a B4 while he got a B3. I missed A2 (70) by 1 mark. You should know how much i got...Jing Fei came towards me and said:"Zhi He 小姐, 你的华文那多少分啊?" I replied B4. Suddenly, he bursted out laughing."Hahaha. Zhi He, you are born as a Chinese yet you got B4, shame on you dude!" He exclaimed.I was not angry with his " Zhi He, you are born as a Chinese yet you got B4, shame on you dude!" but i was angry with his "hahaha". He was humiliating me and he was 人性攻击 me. I cound not stand it. However, i remained silent.

To make matter worse, he mentioned that he would definately trash me in English, Geography and History when the results were announced after March Holiday.Well, he was right. He beat me in all 3 subjects.: (I blamed myself for not working hard enough. However, i could why he laughed at me. This guy is from Lian Hua Primary School. In his school, he usually achieves top or second position in class. Thus, he gained himself pride and such pride makes him '输不起'. He was probably jealous of me for achieving 2nd and 6th for Science and Math in class although both of us got A1 for both subjects. I am very emotionally hurt and i was extremely sad. Now i seldom talk to him. Even other classmates dislike him too. For those who are my Ex-Qifa classmates, do you remember the behaviour of Primary 5 and Primary 6 Cao Zhi He? Okay, Jing Fei was probably was than me. Can you imagine!!!!He also liked to 'attract other's attention' by shouting and screaming in class, laughing and humiliating 'weaker' student in class at the top of his voice.Now, i am no longer like the P5 & P6 CZH. I changed.

I had to say, the reason why teacher gave us out results was to know how well did we perform and how to improve ourselves, but not used this as a kind of 'fame gaining' object to laugh and humiliate others.I personally agree with it.So, if you had such experience in Secondary school, please remind yourself that, those people who humilated you would not have a happy ending. Which was OBVIOUSLY true. These days we were having a rocket making project. We chose our own groups. Well, he and another guy were 'marooned' by us (other classmates).

They had no choice but to joined another group who was willing to accept them.If you were one person who behaved like Jing Fei, you ought to know what the consequences were.

<--- THE END--->*

Sorry for any run-on sentences, grammar or vocabulary errors.** If you would like to correct it, please feel free to visit my blog @ and tag on the tagboard where should I improve on.Thank you very much!!!Cao Zhi He

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


oh and next thursdae qifa sports dae is meet where if goin ah? and who goin?

aaron (151st posted) YEAH

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hello 6E!

Yeah! This ia the 150th post!

Anyway, received sms from Mrs Ng just now saying that Qifa's sports day will be held next thursday 27th March 2008. It's from 1 to 5pm provided it does not rain. Heats is tommorrow... Yeah so we can go if we want!

Oh yes, she also mentioned that she tried entering our class blog but was banned by administrator!?

Yep, that's all I guess. Help spread this message around thanks! (:

Wha, this post is so formal! Lalala... Bye bye! Hope to see you all soon!

- Love, Pui Jeng (:


cool! didnt know i could do this. ok its emy as lame as eva. but seriously this is sooo cool man. i am such a country bumpkin dat i didnt actually know i could post. hehe. ok now i know. yae! 4 me. ok this is just a really random and crappy post so i better shut up. so toodles ppl!!! (alright, that was totally gay).

Emy M.E. !(Cool initials huh?)

Friday, March 14, 2008

wtfffffffffffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who the f*** did this?? freakin screwed up shit face wth man... somemore change the password... kns lah...

aaron (xy and esther pls change bakk if u hav de time thnkx)
(ps i dunno cos i noob >.<)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Status of submission. In index number order. The date is the date in which the person submitted the form. Those without dates mean they have not submitted the form. Will be updated from time to time. Names of the people who have submitted will be made unavailable in the form to prevent resubmission. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to tag in the tagboard or email me at

04 - 15Mar
09 - 12Mar
12 - 12Mar
16 - 12Mar
17 - 13Mar
20 - 12Mar
21 - NIL
22 - 13Mar
23 - 12Mar
31 - 11Mar
33 - 12Mar
37 - 12Mar

Deadline is 31 March. Those who do not submit the form or submit after the deadline will not be taken into consideration and thus have no rights to complain about the results. For those who have submitted, I thank you for your effort.

Those who have submitted and want to update some information, visit

-Han Yi

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hey go do this gathering Questionare.

You must do this. The poll is optional.

-Han Yi

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Class Gathering

Ok lets have another poll. Only deciding on the location, not the time.


The poll is there.

Yup, the site sucks. Bear with it. I don't give a shit. It's just for testing out freewebs.

-Han Yi

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

hi all XD lol lamee -.-"
